Rehabilitation services involve special healthcare services that help people return to a healthy and active lifestyle after an illness, injury, or treatment. Rehabilitation services involve those services that help patients recover and regain physical and mental abilities that have been impaired or lost due to a disease, injury, or treatment.

The three main types of rehabilitation services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy. More specifically, rehab services may involve:

  • Orthopedic rehab
  • Cardiopulmonary rehab
  • Balance/fall prevention
  • Home safety assessment
  • Independence and self-care education
  • Adaptive equipment recommendations
  • Energy conservation/daily living skills

Non-Medical Care

Home Health

personal care giver

Become a Paid Caregiver

If you're already caring for a loved one or friend and want to become a paid caregiver, Devoted Guardians can help.

Non-Medical Care

Personal care service for those individuals who need assistance with daily activities.

Home Health

Home health care covers a variety of health care services received in-home for an illness or injury.